So it turns out, I never finished my blog! I got so caught up on being engaged, then hurried off to the North Island (where I had no wifi)....So I figured, hell, why not...I'll finish it off so I have the memories forever in writing ;)

So after getting engaged we went up the next day, Friday, to our last polo match of the trip in Culverden. We drove up in the evening and ended up reaching town (which was a few hours away) around night fall. We met everyone at the local pub for a drink and then headed out to the house we were staying at. And on the way...ANDREW AND I GOT PULLED! I was so excited! Neither of us had been drinking and it's kind of just an expectation that you will get pulled when you leave a pub...everyone does...its just a safety thing...but still! It was so exciting! I even asked the cop if I could take a picture of the lights. He laughed. And knew I was foreign...haha. Who cares, I thought it was exciting.

The home we stayed at was one of the family friends and it was on this lovely farm, situated just high enough up on to the top of this tiny hill. It made all the difference. The view from the house was spectacular. You could look out and see the whole property. Quite neat. The next day was the first round of polo matches. The day wasn't anything too exciting...but we had some lovely weather and got to go to a barbecue at the end of the game. That was fun! And the stars were out and absolutely beautiful. I wish I could have been able to get a shot of the stars. They are something out of this world. I never knew there were so many! And I'm a country girl! You can actually see the milky way! An amazing sight to see...
The next morning we said our goodbye's and headed off to Christchurch to fly out to Auckland. In Auckland we were picked up by Andrew's bestest friend in the whole wide world...Harley. Oh how I loved Harley. Such a character. He comes in to the airport with his crazy dreadlocks and bare feet. So funny!
He took us up to his home up in Whangarei where we met his lovely girlfriend Courtney. I can't remember all of the details of what we did, but I do remember that on that first day we got to meet his two sons, William and Xander...adorable. Andrew is their Godfather. And William sure did know it! As we were sitting outside on the porch we heard him come in the front door...Harley asked "Do you know who's here?" And William said, "Yeah! My Godfather!" and he raaaannnnnnnnn out to go say hi to Andrew. SO FREAKING ADORABLE! I melted. Andrew is quite awkward around them...Xander in particular...he said its because he doesn't want to break the baby. I guess I can see that...haha. Still awkward.

Then, that next day (or maybe it was the same day I cant remember), we got to go on a beach trip! Up to Whale Bay. Absolutely freaking gorgeous! The pictures say it all...and I saw my first nudist!! So funny...we walked away from all of the crowded area, tried to get to a little cove for just us...and we ran in to some people who had the sammmmeeee idea. I'm sitting there...staring off in to the ocean...and I notice a guy walking out in to the water...annnnnddddddd I see his naked butt...I was like waiiiiittttt a minute. Is he? YEP! He's naked! I couldn't stop giggling. I'm such a little girl.

The boys proceeded to dig holes and play around as Courtney and I laid on the beach reading and soaking up the sun. Then we went and had a small hike over to a beautiful look out. And had a photo shoot. Acting like a bunch of goobs. Then we drove back in to town, with a stop to get some ice cream at a local dairy. Popsicles for all! And then took the curvy drive home, jamming to Cherry Oh Baby - Ub40 ... "Yayeeyayeeyayeeyayeeyayyay" ...Great day.
No, we aren't in a gang...haha |
That night (and some the night before) we got to meet all of Harleys fantastic friends. Loved that!! And they did a Maori welcome dance for us! I mean...well...Zak did a Maori welcome dance...the rest...well...participated. I have it recorded somewhere....Great fun. We laughed and laughed and stayed up wayyyy past bed time haha.

The next day Andrew and I went off on our own for a little waterfall walk/hike. Beautiful spot and a great time to just relax and have some alone time. Not that we don't love all of our company. And trust me, I adore the NZ company. The waterfall was gorgeous...a bit touristy...but the walk after that was nice and calming. On the way through the forest walk we saw some AMAZING Kauri trees. They're HUGE and take something like 1000 years to grow full size. Gorgeous trees...going extinct...obviously when they take 1000 years to grow. I got to hug one :) I feel special.

On the way out of the forest...we got chased by chickens! Yeah...chickens. Just chillin in this forest. Chasing people away from the Kauri trees. It was hilarious! We were walking and all the sudden we heard this rustling behind us. I looked and there were like 3-5 we started picking up the pace. They went faster. So we started running...and they chased us! It was so funny! We lauuughhhed and laughed. And then got lost. Sort of. We were waiting for Courtney to call us and tell us she was going to pick us up. So we decided, we'll walk towards town. We obviously had no idea where we were going. We walked and walked and walked. I got pissier and pissier (haha)...then we finally hit town. And as it turns out, found the best fish n chips spot in town, right next to the salon that Courtney worked at! Funny.
Overall we had a fantastic time in Whangarei...can't wait to see all of our new (and old) friends again! After Whangarei, Harley drove us down to Auckland...the 'big city' of New Zealand, where we jumped out of a plane... ;)